How was New Vision Recruitment born
Following the experience we had all endured during Covid-19, I’d decided a change in my life was due . The rat race was depleting me and restrictions placed on our freedom had my dream to travel at the forefront of my mind, more than ever.
Recruitment was at its most challenging and the world around us was a crazy place to live in. Slowly but surely the world opened up again so I didn’t hesitate to buy a ticket to what would be the best 6 months of my life.
This newfound freedom, little did I know was going to be pivotal for my personal and professional growth, and I knew in my mind when the lightbulb moment came that I wouldn’t waste the opportunity to grow as person.
Before I knew it I was backpacking around SE Asia (I didn’t backpack that’s a lie, I actually took a suitcase) what a rookie error that was.
Over the course of 6 months, my self confidence grew, decisions were mine and mine only to make, my safety was in my own hands, and thanks to my ‘recruiter qualities’ of assessing people, getting to know the good and the bad, and my networking skills, I thrived under my new circumstances. I’d immersed myself into various communities, I always felt safe and never lonely. I had the wonderful opportunity of giving back to communities; teaching English in Cambodia and helping poorly dogs in a stray dog shelter in Thailand.
Engaging with people from all walks of life, has and always will been be a passion of mine. It had soon dawned on me that key recruitment skills come natural to me, and I was starting to miss my recruitment career.
Whilst daydreaming about future prospects (probably up a mountain in Laos or on a beach somewhere in Thailand) it dawned on me what I really wanted out of life. It was too late to go back, too late to give my time up again to someone else, I had come this far – on my own.
And then, New Vision Recruitment was born.
I’m ambitious and passionate about developing people’s career.
New Vision Recruitment is all about Innovation, growth and it’s about you – it’s about creating a New Vision for you entirely. Just like I created a New Vision for me.
Thank you for joining me on this journey.