New Vision Recruitment

My Story

How was New Vision Recruitment born?

Following the experience we had all endured back in 2019. Covid, like many impacted my life a great deal.
I had struggled mentally during this time - as I'm sure many did. The rat race was depleting me and restrictions placed on our freedom had my dreams to travel at the forefront of my mind, more than ever. My soul was pining for change. The recruitment industry was at its most challenging and the world around us was a crazy place to live in, right?
When the world slowly but surely came back to together again, I decided to take the opportunity of fulfilling a life long dream of mine, and I didn't hesitate one bit to buy a ticket to what would be the best 6 months of my life. This newfound freedom of mine, I decided, was going to be pivotal for my personal and professional growth. And I knew in my mind I wouldn't waste this opportunity to grow as person.

Before I knew it I was backpacking around SE Asia ( I didn't backpack that's a lie, I actually took a suitcase - what a rookie error that was!) More to the point, my self confidence grew by the day, decisions were mine and mine only to make, my own safety was in my own hands, but one thing I'd realised ( thanks to my recruiter qualities) was that assessing people, getting to know the good and the bad and my strong networking skills, would actually allow me to thrive under my new circumstances, and soon enough I’d immersed myself into various communities - always feeling safe and never actually lonely.
I had the wonderful opportunity of giving back to communities, such as teaching English in Cambodia and helping poorly dogs in a dog rescue shelter in Thailand. I’ll share a few pictures with you. Engaging with people from all walks of life will always be a passion of mine. Eventually it dawned on me that key recruitment skills come natural to me, and I really started to miss my career. So after many fortunate, interesting conversations with successful business owners whom I’d met, I'd unveiled a new dream of mine - to become my own business owner.

So whilst daydreaming about future prospects (probably up a mountain in Laos or on a beach somewhere in Thailand) I’d decided to put my manifestations into action - it was too late to go backwards and I’d come this far, alone. So. I am now back in London with a New Vision for my career, and yours too. I am experienced, confident, ambitious, amazing at building relationships and ready to help! New Vision Recruitment Limited is born. Thank you for all joining me on this journey.

Reach Out To Me

Need help, contact me!

Don’t let staffing challenges slow down your business. Contact me today to learn more about my talent acquisition solutions and how i can save you time in finding the right professionals for your organisation.